Facilities that we use

We have swimming courses at three facilities in Gothenburg: Åbybadet, Askims Simhall & Streteredsbadet.


Åbybadet, Mölndal

Phone: 031-86 89 70

Idrottsvägen 2B
431 62 Mölndal

Askim Simhall

Askim Simhall, Askim, Hovås

25 swimming pool
The 25m swimming pool with both a shallow and deep end. The pool is 12.5 meters wide and 0.9 – 2 meters deep It is an ideal swimming pool for people wanting to learn to swim. The water is about 27 degrees warm.

Phone: 031-368 22 30

Gärdesvägen 5

Mail address:
Box 114
401 21 Gothenburg


Streteredsbadet: Kållered

Phone: 031-317 10 13

Ängbackevägen 7B
428 34 Kållered